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Purpose of AR/VR in Virtual Reality Companies in India

The marketing world is changing now and then. And this feels like a head-to-head competition for all the augmented reality companies in India. In simple words, virtual and augmented reality is a powerful way to improve your advertising strategies. It gives you a new perspective on your customers needs and wants. Since now they can create their own world with this new powerful marketing tool.

At Splitbit, we integrate AR/ VR into your marketing strategies and test how we can reach all your business goals with our proven technologies. We know it’s easier said than done but at the Splitbit, we help you improve buyer awareness and accelerate your purchasing process.

Well, more and more AR start-ups in India just like Splitbit are learning to use virtual, augmented and mixed reality for creating real content. Your customers are going to love this dimension of interaction.

How we help

Just like other augmented reality companies in India, our process is simple yet effective. Here’s how splitbit will help you transform your marketing methods with AR and VR.

Energetic Advertisements

Our team of experts at Splitbit is focused on using AR and VR to create future-oriented advertisements. In short, real-time interaction with your audience.

AR and VR both are changing the possibilities for experiencing new things. Now your customers can easily imagine themselves using gadgets and having access to a new event or entry to a new experience.

Our main goal as a virtual reality marketing company is to build a more personalized relationship with the brand. Both from the audience and marketers side.

Brand Loyalty and Connection

Splitbit uses some great cutting-edge technology to recreate new ways of delivering your products. For us maintaining your brand loyalty and creating a deeper connection with your audience is of top priority.

Augmented reality companies in India leverage the power of AR for building brands. We help you drive conversions, navigate different projects and deliver experiences that will keep your customers in awe. We minimize the friction in the final stages of a purchasing decision for your customers which in turn helps you achieve your measured KPIs and metrics.

Our process includes:

  • - We believe in bridging the gap between digital and physical purchasing experiences.
  • - We streamline and make the purchase decision making simple and easy.
  • - Building brand loyalty is our core value. We do this by creating emotional and memorable connections.
  • - At Splitbit, we analyze and collect data to improve customer service.

Interactive Product Catalogues

At Splitbit, we focus on enhancing your brand image. This can be done by envisioning design choices for your different products. Your customers can now swipe through your product descriptions.This enables your customers to compare different products and make a positive decision based on the power of endless aisle.

A good interactive product catalogue focuses on details. We choose to pay special attention to quality photographs, attractive descriptions and promotion of specific details of your product to attract the right audience.It is offered in two ways:

  • -As an application with the capability to effectively visualize products in real-time using AR technology.
  • - It can be integrated into new-age digital devices like smartphones and tablets. In the end, we are all about the application for tablets or smartphones (that’s where your business is) that uses the codes of a traditional print catalogue.

It’s easy with AR since now you can visualize and present your products in a 3D way.

Create an Unforgettable Brand Experience

At splitbit, we believe in bridging the gap between the virtual and physical worlds. Product visualization is one such great feature that can create unparalleled experiences and expand the capabilities of your products.

We help you guide your audience and create brand loyalty. You can easily grab your customer’s attention no matter what your product is. VR content takes you away from your physical space and provide a brilliant tool for your users to connect with your brand’s products.

AR and VR customer experiences are providing practical post-purchase customer service. At Splitbit we are more about accessibility and affordability plus improved practical support throughout the customer journey.

From scanning the packaging with mobile to making informed decisions, AR and VR can address effective customer issues and also help you to solve them with practical tools.

Want to create an experience your customers will cherish forever?

Then using AR technology should be your first choice for your next campaign.
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Why Splitbit?

It’s all about how you use AR and VR to solve your business issues. Here is why Splitbit can
help you stand out by being the best in your game:


We know that VR has been there for a while now in the market. Brands are adopting these technologies for a long time now. By working with Splitbit, you can develop your marketing VR concepts. This will help you to be prepared for any future engagement.


Our goal is to understand consumer behaviour with VR. Since now you can easily analyze your consumer needs and buying patterns. The same goes with AR, you can easily look at your consumers and the interaction of your product.


We are proud of using this technique since storytelling in AR/ VR can turn your brand entirely (360 degrees). We focus mainly on the quality of narratives so that your customers can find something valuable and also live their stories in the AR/VR world.


We understand you since Marketing and advertising is all about emotional experience. And with the help of AR and VR, you can elevate your engagement rates plus your interactions.So this is the sign to start using AR and VR in your business.